Thursday, January 24, 2008


PPC Advertising: Where Do You Start?

PPC Advertising could be the most fast & effective methods of online promotion, once you understand how to follow its strategy, targeted traffic are driven to your website.

PPC Advertising in simple matters is promoting your website in terms of paid listings in search engines.

What you need to create your PPC Campaign?

Proper bid management for potential keywords increases ad exposure anytime someone uses a related search term, this increase click through rate (CTR) from prospect leads.

Conduction of market research is a crucial step to start your PPC Advertising strategy with; defining your target markets will help you select your keywords. Emphasize on niche keywords that are not so competitive for lower bidding cost, especially if you have your budget determined.

In PPC Advertising creating an attractive sales copy containing relevant keyword phrases in title & description is challenging. Therefore learning the techniques is worth all the time before starting with the campaign.

PPC Ad copy style needs to be simple & straight, especially the title as it is most significant for visitors observance, adjust the keywords in order to comply with what you offer to earn credibility. Make sure your ad points to the appropriate landing page, the last thing you want is to mislead your website visitors & have them hunt for the information they are searching, a turnoff like that means losing money.

Calculating your conversion rate is important to do in order to measure the campaign success for a certain period of time. This is done by dividing number of visitors by number of sales, and then by dividing net profit per sale by conversion rate you will know your precise value of CTR as cost per click should not exceed it or else loss occurs.

For example, for every 100 visitors from your PPC ad, you expect 1 sale. You spend 15 $ on click ads to spread over the 100 visitors the 15 cents should be the bidding CPC to breakeven.

Analyzing & monitoring of visitor behavior will help you understand their interests & habits; this will make it easier to select your keywords for better PPC management. Make sure you dont fall for click fraud attempts, examples of this are:

-Multiple clicks from a single IP address.
-Large amount of clicks at a specific period of time
-Clicks from countries where no business is conducted


Once you strategize your PPC advertising campaign, determine the maximum CPC you are willing pay for specific keyword phrase. According to your ad conversion rate, profit margins as well as other factors value of CPC could change at certain times.

Monia Hassan is specialized in providing SEO services. Working for Moon Search Engine Optimization Company ( specialized in SEO services.Valida Blog55401
Viole Blog33462

EXPOSED! The Expectations Of A Whats In It For Me Person!

Our crack team of Marketing Fishermen constantly trawls the vast internet seas looking for that special Whats In It For Me Person.

While doing so we have learned a thing or two. Correct bait is important.

To be sure, our total energies are targeted to hooking not so much every nibble but certainly the targeted nibble.

The truth of the matter is, wherever we think youll congregate on the internet, we at the very least want to be in the vicinity, chumming up the waters with samples of our products and services.

We have come to learn that when we stand on the internet corner, beating our chests and hollering, most times it amounts to nothing. That type of thing tends to send potential customers to the other side of the street where our competitors live.

We have painfully come to see that although we may have hired the best Internet Technology people in the west, our customers usual response is, yea, and what? Isnt that expected?

And theyre correct!

Our crack teams have come to realize that our customers simply want to know, whats in it for me? Hard to believe? Well, its certainly true for us. Thats the primary thing our customers want to know. Cut to the chase, dont give me drama, and just tell me, whats in it for me?

And somewhere along the way, sooner rather than later, wed better tell them, and we do.

We find that above all else, we must be truthful. Too much information, too many features that bamboozle, and trying too hard to impress has oftentimes left us with empty nets.

So who are these whats in it for me people? What do they look like? What is it that they want? What do they expect from us?

We find that these people have come to expect certain standards to be met when they conduct business.

For instance, dont brag that you have the best computer technician in the country on staff. Big deal! They dont need a computer technician. What are you telling them that for?

Some of the expectations that a whats in it for me person expects to find at your business are:

1. A flexible business they can communicate with 24/7.

2. Visionaries who think outside of the box and bring to the table creative options that saves time and money. Its about doing more with less.

3. Customer satisfaction is at the top of the agenda. Never make promises you cant keep.

4. Be organized. Dont spread yourself too thin. Get things done. They love a can do attitude and people who deliver.

5. Seek the valuable opinion of your customer. You dont have all the answers. You would be pleasantly surprised with their answers. Go ahead, ask away.

6. They expect for you to answer the question, whats in it for me?

These six points are in no way exhaustive. Not by a long shot. However, they do give you some indication of the things you need to have in place when customers arrive at your doorstep.

Give customers your best shot. Treat them how you expect to be treated. These things are not hard to figure out. After all, the whats in it for me person has feelings too. Just ask them. Theyre not far away. If you want to see the one that you know best, their standing near the mirror go over and check them out.

Wycliffe WilliamsFaye Blog787
Frank Blog27482

Maximize Your Adwords ROI - A simple technique to boost revenue

This is a little technique called prequalification, and it works with most types of advertising, but I've noticed particular results with Google Adwords. Here's how it works. I'll use a past experience as an example:

One of the products offered on Monster Web is a web development suite called "Website Tonight", and its purpose is to generate nice looking websites for people with little experience.

There is stiff competition for this type of product, so the cost per click on an Adwords campaign for any reasonably popular keyword pertaining to the niche would be pretty high. I looked at a few of my competitors' ads. They all seamed kind of similar - state the name of the product, maybe have a cute "build a website in minutes" "feature x" "feature y" etc etc. I have done ads like these, and gotten reasonable results, but what kicks the ROI into high gear is when you start to prequalify your leads.

Let's say a consumer is looking for web building software. Your ad is being displayed in the traditional "ENTICE PEOPLE TO CLICK NOW!!" format. They see all these ads all around them, and they click on yours. You have no idea what type of person this is. You don't know if they are looking for a robust professional system, if they are looking for a cheap or free system. All you know is that they typed in "website builder" into Google, liked your ad, and clicked on it.

I was getting maybe 1%-2% return on these types of ads. For every 100 that would click through, maybe 1-2 would make a purchase. 1% is not shabby, and it's in the range of "at least I'm making something", especially considering I was paying a dollar a click or more. However, once I started tweaking my ads in subtle ways, wow, the money started to roll in.

I did two things. First, I put the price of the item in my ad. So immediately we cut off the people looking for a freebie. People that click on the ad expect to pay for what they are about to view. Next, I added the word "professional." What did that accomplish? Well, I cater to businesses, and what do businesses have? They have money! They also want a professional grade product.. and they want my product.

The results were staggering. There was an immediate dropoff in click-throughs. I got half what I was getting with the generic "click me!" style ad. However, the conversion rate was...

NEARLY 20%!!!

That is correct, my sales went from a piddly 1%, to nearly 20%. 1 in 5 click-throughs was resulting in a sale. And people weren't just buying the software, they came to do business. I was very happy :-)

The next step was to increase my bid per keyword. It was worth paying the 3$ per click now and getting the better positions on Google, as I was screening my click-throughs ahead of time with the ad itself. I didn't have to wait until I got the customer on my page for them to decide that they'd rather use GeoCities. They knew right up front what the software was about and who it was for.

This is a very practical and useful technique and it has served me very well. Hopefully it will bring you some success in your ventures as well.

Copyright 2006 Joe Stec

Article by Joe Stec of Monster Web Online (, the premier web hosting and domain services company for small business. Joe also publishes the Web Business Primer (, a blog about building and marketing an online business.Vikky Blog10103
Viola Blog12750

Why You Need To Integrate Your Online And Offline Marketing

There are many businesses that seem to have split in half. They have their traditional brick and mortar location, which relies on their traditional advertising and marketing strategies. Then, they have their online location, which operates based on an entirely different set of assumptions and strategies.

The fact that this has happened is understandable. The newer technology of the internet can seem radically different from traditional ways of doing business. Adopting new technology can invariably lead to some level of disconnect with other aspects of an endeavor and its routines.

Some people have gone so far as to intentionally create this division. They see their storefront as a means of doing business with one set of clients, and their website as a means of reaching another.

That approach, however, falls far short of being successful, and should be abandoned as soon as possible, whether it was intentionally implemented or was an accidental outgrowth of the way things unfolded. Thats because the distinction between those two groups of customers is becoming increasingly artificial.

The same person who may walk by a storefront this afternoon may very well be surfing the internet tonight. More and more people are relying on the internet to find information and places to spend their money on the products they need.

Demographically, those who use the internet do tend to be a little younger and tech savvy than those who dont, but the overlap between net customers and walk ins is growing so rapidly the division no longer makes a great deal of sense.

As such, it is important for companies to understand that they can and should integrate their online and offline marketing strategies to work with one another in a mutually reinforcing way. There are specific tricks on both sides of the equation, of course, but in the bigger picture, marketing is marketing and ones overall strategy should reflect that fact.

Does your business have on online presence? If so, is it successfully integrated with your other marketing strategies? Do the two elements feed off one another and work together to improve your bottom line?

If you are like many business operators, you probably answered no to those questions. If that is the case, it is time to consult with knowledgeable guides who understand marketing in both the traditional and online senses and who can help you devise a plan to put both aspects of your sales efforts on the same page.

Integrating online and offline marketing isnt necessarily a complicated proposition. In fact, it can be relatively easy. Its also effective. By combining the two elements into one seamless strategy, a business can obtain results that dwarf previous fragmented efforts.

Sharon Odom Fling is the author of "How To Promote Your Local Business On the Internet" and creator of GeoLocal Marketing Center, which focuses exclusively on internet marketing for small local business. For free articles, case studies and podcasts, visit Blog25968
Fawnia Blog15552

Web Hosting Let Me Explain

If you want a website, then before you do anything else, youre going to need to get some web hosting.

You might not be too sure exactly how the web works, but dont worry its quite complicated, and you dont really need to know about it until you want to make your own website. Basically, every time you go to a website, you connect to another computer (called a server) that sends you copies of that websites pages. Server have to be powerful, as thousands of people could be asking for those pages every second on the webs biggest sites.

For a small site, you dont need your own server. You could set your own computer up to run as a server, but you would have to leave it switched on and connected to the Internet all day long, and if your site got even a little bit popular then your connection probably wouldnt be able to handle it. Instead, what most people do is rent some space on one of those larger servers, paying a different monthly fee depending on how much data their visitors download and for any extra features they need.

If you want a website, then, the first thing you should do is find which one of these web hosts is best for you that is, whose server you should rent space on. Much like looking to rent a home, this is really a matter of personal taste. Paying more is no guarantee of quality, as many hosts prey on their customers lack of understanding to charge unjustifiably high prices. In general, the best way to find a good web hosting company is to ask around, read reviews, and ask on forums for peoples experiences. Youll often find that what seemed like a good deal is actually a disaster, and be steered towards something much better.

John Gibb is the owner of, for more information on web hosting check out http://www.web-hostng-advice-and-info2k.infoErtha Blog35535
Frank Blog27482

Six Ways to Master the Art of Article Marketing

In recent years with the proliferation of article distribution services like, Content Desk and, it seems that everyone is jumping on the article submission bandwagon. Along with these self-marketers comes a group of industry experts who are eager to share their knowledge with the world.

As a writer, editor and reviewer of such articles, I have seen incredibly well-written pieces that are engaging and informative. I have also seen a rash of poorly written articles that fail to clearly make their point.

If article marketing is a part of your marketing plan, follow these suggestions to ensure that you not only put your best foot forward but also that your readers enjoy your material and seek you out as a resident expert in your topic of choice.

1. Use attention-getting headlines. A clever headline will ignite your reader's interest. For example, instead of labeling your article "Preparing Your Home for Sale," title it "Top 10 Tips for Improving Your Home's Curb Appeal." While the first headline is descriptive, the second one is much more engaging and more likely to captivate readers.

2. Know your topic and present it clearly. Whether you are truly an industry expert in your selected topic or a ghost writer working from research notes, make sure that you understand the topic well enough to explain it to someone else. In addition, break the material down into manageable "bite size" chunks of information. Use bulleted and numbered lists to present information in simple, easy- to-follow steps.

3. Submit articles in a timely fashion. I have repeatedly seen authors submit articles that are well past their prime. For example, avoid submitting Valentine's Day gift suggestions after February and Halloween costume ideas in July. Readers will ignore such advice if its timing is poor, so save it until the information is appropriate again.

4. Ensure that your articles are free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Granted, you may not have been born with a red pen and a dictionary in your hands, but submitting quality material is critical. Why? Errors detract from the readability of an otherwise useful article and, at the same time, hamper your credibility. Use spell check, invest in a grammar guide or hire a professional proofreader or copywriter.

5. Conclude your article with a call to action. Consider what you would like your reader to do after reading your article - Try a new exercise technique? Rethink a business relationship? Test a new recipe? Research online opportunities on the Web? Encourage your reader to take that next step. And, please DO NOT end your article with, "so there you have it" You are essentially saying to your readers, "There you go, dummy."

6. Maximize the resource box. Article submission directories offer you either a plain text or HTML resource box, or sometimes both. Make the most of this space by including your name and/or your company's name, a one or two-line bio, and contact information such as a website or e-mail address. To encourage readers to access your Web site, offer an incentive such as a free report or a complimentary subscription to your e-zine or electronic newsletter.

Copyright (c) 2007 Dana Blozis

With 20 years of professional experience and a degree in business administration, Dana Blozis is the president of Virtually Yourz, a Seattle-based virtual assistant firm specializing in writing, editing and marketing services for small businesses and nonprofits. Visit to sign up for her free marketing newsletter.Filide Blog28104
Veda Blog50160

Start Your Own Online Home Business With A Money Making Site

In the past I have fallen for the hype and wasted a lot of money because I really did not know what I was doing or did not have the experience and knowledge to put everything together to make an online home business work, so here are some tips to start your own online home business off on the right foot and how to make money online.

When you think about it, having a successful online business means that you will need to own your own domain, which will enable you to alter, add to and change your web site when necessary. You ideally need the opportunity of offering a free newsletter that visitors to your site can subscribe to, so you will require an autoresponder to be installed and a series of follow-up emails will need to be written. You will require products to sell and ideally you need to use companies who ship the goods on your behalf, otherwise you will need to get involved in accepting payments and shipping the goods, which you will have had to purchase first yourself. These are only a few of the basics and one can see that it can be very involved and complicated.

But let us look at what else may be required, just so that you are fully aware of what starting an online home business is all about. Owning your own domain and having access to your source code gives you the freedom to do what you like to your site, which means you have control of your business, but this will require knowledge of html. Internet Marketing is another animal altogether! You need visitors, lots of them, to your site to generate signups and sales, so ideally the online home business opportunity should offer a full training program and a forum where you can go to discuss your business, get assistance and ultimately you can offer help to others.

The ultimate of course is to find a business-in-a-box. This means that your website will come fully set up with the affiliate programs loaded and you will be able to select your own domain name and then be in a position to add any other programs to the site. The all important autoresponder should also be installed and ready to fire off emails to your subscribers, plus you will be able to add more follow-ups to your autoresponder.

You will be able to install a link exchange program to create linking partnerships, a stat counter, add banners or text links, change the colour and design of your site, choose your keywords and optimize your site for the search engines, link your blog to your site, add an article directory, stream fresh content onto your site, upload ebooks, software and more. Literally, you can do whatever you want as you have full control of your own online home business.

You may well be thinking that this is all too complicated and you do not have the knowledge, but that is the great advantage of joining an online program that sets your money making site up for you and with a comprehensive training program in place and an active forum which you can join and actively participate in, you will have all the help you need.

Starting an online home business does not mean that you are going to be generating an income immediately. You need to give yourself time to work through the training, learn and implement all that you can. It is a step-by-step process that takes time but each step you take builds your business. The marketing and advertising of a web site needs consistent, ongoing work, as you need to build momentum to ensure that your money making site is visible to as many people as possible.

If you have decided to start your own online home business you are in for an exciting time. You will experience frustrations and setbacks, but these can be overcome with the support and backup. The secret is just to press on and never quit. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. The learning curve may be steep, but work hard and have fun and once the momentum kicks in with your marketing and advertising you will start to make money online and reap the rewards of all the hard work you have put in.

Cynthia Minnaar works from home online and invites you to visit for ways to generate income online. Visit to start your own online home business with a money making site complete with 400 day pre-written email autoresponder campaign.Estrellita Blog2990
Fabrice Blog20597

There's Not A Bulletin Board In Existence That My Mortgage Marketing Program Doesn't Like

There's Not A Bulletin Board In Existence That My Mortgage Marketing Program Doesn't Like

Yes, I love bulletin boards. Now, just so you know...I'm not talking about "electronic bulletin boards" found on the Internet. That's a different topic for another day. I'm referring to those old fashion "cork boards" that in order to post notices require the use of push pins, thumb tacks or even staples (a bulletin board no no).

Today in some cities, bulletin board marketing is so hot that there are companies that exist for the sole purpose of providing this service to people who want their signs posted on bulletin boards. These service companies also distribute your fliers in stores and shops and post them in windows and hand them out at concerts and events. In some cases they'll help design and plan your promotion and even write and distribute a press release for you.

If a service like this is not available, the bulletin board idea is still a winner. Just do it yourself! The cost is extremely low and your investment is only your time and energy. This is still one of the all time great origination ideas for Mortgage Professionals and the returns are great.

Here are a few things to think about if you're considering about implementing your bulletin board marketing program:

1. Every townhouse and condominium complex has a bulletin board. Your job, should you wish to accept it, is to find the location of that bulletin board and gain access to it. You may find it in a common laundry area or even located within the clubhouse or pool area. If so, you may need permission to gain access and post your notice. Have no'll find that this is rarely denied. Remember, you're providing a valuable financial service to the residents and the complex itself.

2. Apartment complexes also have bulletin boards. Unfortunately, you probably won't be welcomed with open arms since you're really trying to help qualified renters move out of the complex. But, I have on occasion found a forward thinking property manager that allowed my notices to be posted. Their logic: They can't prevent qualified renters from looking at home ownership as an, why not allow the postings. Don't forget to remind the property manager that you track your leads and that you never forget the source of where those mortgage leads come from. I'm continually amazed at the good things that can happen when you just ask.

3. Bulletin boards can be found in hospitals, fire and police stations, Laundromats, supermarkets, local building supply stores (Are there any left?), plumbing supply, electrical supply, bookstores, company employee lounges, waiting areas, your local Dunkin Donuts (mine has a great one), and a myriad of other locations where people happen to congregate.

4. Every business has a bulletin board and it may be accessible by employees only. Should that be the case, ask an employee or the manager to post for you. Remember, you're providing a valuable service not only to their employees but to the company as well. All companies want to retain their good employees and home ownership and/or good financing guarantees they'll stay in the area for the foreseeable future.

5. The notice that you post needs to be on the small side. A full page flier is usually too big as it over powers and dominates the bulletin board. You'll probably find full page fliers removed within minutes of their placement, so don't even go there. Half page fliers are better and postcard size fliers (Avery postcards 4.25" X 5.5") are the ideal size. You could thumb tack multiple business cards or cards especially designed with your message however, your message size is severally restricted and your response will be low using this size.

6. The best responses come from fliers that have a multiple "tear offs" at the bottom. You've seen them and probably torn one off and placed it in your wallet or purse as a reminder to call. This extends the life of your little flier as it won't disappear with the first person interested in your offer. Yes, it's a pain to set up initially, but once it's done, it's done forever. Your little flier is ready to work for you for many months and years to come.

7. Lastly, visit your bulletin boards on a regular basis and treat them well. Replace notices that show wear (and tear :-) and those with only a couple tear offs remaining with brand new ones.

You've worked hard to gain access to your bulletin boards...maintain them well...and, you'll be surprised at how well they will reward you and your mortgage business with good solid mortgage leads.

Tom Domin is the author of "101 Ways to Originate Mortgages" and publisher of "Tom's Mortgage Tips" a twice monthly Mortgage Newsletter geared for Mortgage Professionals. Put your mortgage career on the fast track and sign-up for FREE at Filia Blog24952
Valentia Blog26081

Why Is Content King On The Internet?

The reason the internet was created was to share information. People still use the internet to share information or to find out information. And what is information? Information is content - so, content is king.

There are two ways to gather information on the internet. One way is free and the other way is paid information. Whatever you offer on the internet is done with information, whether you are talking about the value of your site, or your product.

Your selling price for information, or content, is determined by the person that is seeking your information. In other words, how much is a person willing to pay for the information that you have? How much it costs to put together the information does not show you the value. The value only comes through the people that are willing to buy.

For example, if I sent you an e-mail and I said that I had a link to some valuable resources that you would be interested in, would it be worth a few dollars to know the information now or would you rather spend a lot of time finding it for yourself?

With hard products the value is determined by the cost to create and manufacture this product. For example, if you were selling golf clubs the price would be determined by how much it costs to manufacture them plus any overhead costs and shipping.

Some people in the internet have membership sites which charge a monthly fee simply to be informed about new resources on the internet. The reason it is a value to the members is because it saves time. Most information you can find available for free. The value comes into play because it saves you so much time and effort on your part. What is your time worth?

What does it cost to go to college today? What are you getting from a college education? What are you actually getting for your money?

A college education is the passing of information (content) from one person to another.

Now you can be a college of your niche or topic. Now you can give your students, visitors, subscribers and your customers valuable information they need and charge them accordingly. With good content you can earn money. For example, if you have a web site or a blog you can have paid advertising and therefore you can earn money with free content. Web sites, blogs, newsletters, press releases and free reports can all be used to generate traffic which means you have a following and a subscriber base.

With good information, content, you can actually make money selling your own or other people's products. For example, e-books, ecourses, and even teleseminars. The nature of the internet shows that a web site should provide the visitors with information. The better the information, the more money you can charge for it. Your web site can be one page or it can have multiple pages. You can set up a one page web site by using one article, several articles or even a sales letter.

If you want visitors to come to your web site, give them great information. If they want additional information you can exchange the information for the subscribers name and e-mail address. And for those that want even more information they can purchase this information from you. Just make sure you are giving them great information that they can use so they will come back time and time again.

When you promote your web site make sure you provide information that is interesting to the reader and makes them want more. For an example, use articles, press releases and free reports - just make sure it's good information or entertaining content.

If you want the search engine spiders to be interested in your web site make sure the information that you're giving is interesting and relevant to your topic or niche. This is very important.

Fresh content will give visitors a reason to return to your site plus it'll keep the search engine spiders interested in your site. You want both to keep coming back.

People will start out visiting your site as a visitor or prospect, then they will become subscribers and customers, and if they really like you they will tell others about your web site, blog, newsletter or e-zine. When people really like the information that you're providing for them they will start promoting you. Now you have a viral affect going on. This is a good thing. The more people sharing your information around, the more visitors and traffic you will get.

The better your content, the more valuable your content is in many ways.

Jeff Wark is a niche internet marketer who developed a system to quickly and easily create original content. To receive a free ecourse on optimizing your content, visit Blog61500
Vinnie Blog1761

Small Business Ideas & Goals

When you're setting goals for your small business ideas, you really create your future in advance. You write down your goals, and mentally prepare yourself to do what ever it takes to realize them.

The first step is to define your goal. You have to get clarity of :

Exactly what you want

When you want it

Why you want it

Now, there you have your goal. And it's very important that you make it detailed and specified.If you're not absolutely clear about what your goal is, you can't commit to it.

It will not be enough to keep your small business goal in your head. You have to write it down, try to make a picture with words, the more vivid your goal is the more effective it will be.

When you create your goal, you have to be realistic. Is it possible to make it work and come true? You must really believe that you can reach it. You must have faith in your goal. If you think or believe that you can't realize your small business ideas, that will be self fulfilling.

You must have faith in yourself. You must have faith in your goals. You must know deep inside that you can accomplish your small business ideas and your goals.

You need to determine what your goals are gonna cost you, what are your goals worth? How important are your goals? Do you want, do you need or would it be nice achieve them?

To be able to reach your goals you must make them a burning desire. You need to feel that you must achieve your small business goals. No matter what, you have to get your goals.

If you can create that state of mind, your subconscious mind will help you to make your goals a reality. It will give you ideas and show you the actions you have to take.

Divide your long term goal into several short term goals. That will help you to gain motivation as you achieve your short term goals one by one. You will build momentum with each accomplished goal.

Anytime you do reach your short term goals, you need to reward yourself. This will build your self esteem and you will start picture yourself as a person who can achieve any goal.

Write down you goals as specified as possible

Determine what you have to do to accomplish them

Develop a strong believe in yourself and your goals

Take action, step by step

Realize your small business ideas, and get your burning desires.

Ove Nordkvist has created the web site which is an invaluable resource for small business start up. There are lots of free tools and e-books downloadable. Visit to learn more about small business ideas, goals and motivation. Faith Blog40392
Fawna Blog99902

How to Develop a Thriving Business on the Internet

Most people spend time and money advertising on the Internet without having good results.

They do not know where the hot locations are to advertise and they do not know how to write an ad that creates instant interest and action. They also do not know the key secrets to successful advertising on the Internet.

My experience in marketing has been, (listed in the reasons listed above), that the multitude of individuals that have a true desire to start or grow their business will suffer if these items are not addressed.

Imagine thisWould you like to go from being a person who is struggling to build a home-based business on the Internet, to achieving financial freedom in a few months?

If you haven't been successful at advertising on the Internet, or find the task of embarking on an Internet advertising campaign overwhelming, don't be discouraged. There is a solution.

In this article I will explain how to attract endless new distributors or customers to your business.

Most people don't realize that you can have the best product, company and compensation plan in the world, but it's all completely worthless unless you have an exciting, effective advertising and marketing program that will bring people to you on a silver platter.

The first two questions you must answer are, "Who is your target market?" and, "What locations do they frequent on the Internet?"

Once you can answer these two questions correctly, the next step toward attracting traffic to your website is to write an ad that will capture instant attention and create an enormous amount of interest from your target market. The ability of your ad to do this is one of the key ingredients in attracting the necessary traffic.

The second most important step is to place your ad in locations on the Internet where your target market frequently visits. This takes a tremendous amount of research. Don't worry-- if you're already feeling overwhelmed, remember that there is a solution!

After you have determined the locations where your target market visits, you must learn how to place your ads on those locations and do it repeatedly. This takes time that you should be using to communicate with your prospects and help your downline.

After you have secured the interest of your prospects through advertising, the next step is to send them to a capture page or power ad, not your website. A capture page or power ad should be very professional and create further interest in the opportunity, product or service that you have advertised. A professional capture page or power ad is free of clutter and creates interest in only one thing. A key element for a successful capture page or power ad is to give away something free (e.g., an e-book-- something pertaining to what you are marketing) and thus "capture" the first name and email address of your prospects. We have had the most success with generic capture pages or power ads.

Sometimes it takes 7 contacts with a prospect before they take action.

Therefore, having an auto-responder with a series of 7 emails ready to send to your prospects over a ten-day period is essential-- all designed to get your prospects to your website. Each email should outline a definite plan of action for the prospect and why they should take that action. If you are not experienced in this area, you would benefit by having someone with Internet marketing experience write the email series for you, to insure your success.

When you conduct an email campaign using leads, you should send them to a landing page or power ad, not a capture page, because you already have their name and email address. You should still offer something FREE, however, to attract your leads toward that landing page or power ad. The landing page or power ad should be similar to the capture page, except the capture page will also be asking for ( i.e., capturing) the prospect's name and email address through the free offer. After your leads visit your landing page or power ad, you can then send them directly to your website.

If your prospect visits your website but does not purchase or get involved, keep them on your mailing list (unless they opt-out) because their circumstances may change. In three or four months they may get involved or purchase your product or service, as a result of your continued communications.

A good way to stay in touch with your target audience is through a monthly newsletter. You can develop one yourself or use a generic newsletter.

You can accomplish everything we have described in this article yourself, but it will require specific, quality skills to be successful. You'll need marketing-writing skills to create successful ads and email letters, graphic and marketing-writing skills for developing your capture and landing pages, market-research skills to find out the best places to put your ads, an auto-responder to automatically send out your emails, and the knowledge of how to operate your auto-responder. These tasks also take a lot of time and effort.

It will also take a lot of patience and attention to continually experiment with different strategies, until you develop a marketing plan that will attract massive amounts of traffic to your website.

There is an easy solution, however. You can instantly have an entire experienced advertising team on your staff when you partner with AdSurfDaily, Inc. ASD's Attract Marketing System incorporates all of the above features and is guaranteed to drive an endless stream of new distributors and buyers to your site!

Click Here to download a FREE Report titled Discover How to Drive Massive Traffic to Your Website and discover how you can advertise you web site FREE to thousands of Hot Prospects.

T. Andy Bowdoin has over 40 years experience in marketing. He developed a unique marketing system to market cell phones and GPS systems. He modified the marketing system for the internet and attracted over 5,000 members in 120 days and sold over 1,200,000.00 in services. He teaches his members the system to help build their internet businessesVerina Blog37455
Fawnia Blog85207

Finding Profitable Keywords For Your Google Adsense Campaign

No doubt that Google Adsense has become the number one player in making money on the internet. The latest claim that I saw advertised was an internet marketer that made over $19,000 in one month. What is their secret? It is simply writing articles and building adsense webpages that use high traffic, or even some traffic, that use profitable keywords. Not just any keywords, profitable keywords. You have to find keywords that your customers use and that your competitors do not use. Their are many tools available and this article will cover just a few of them.

WordTracker is the leading keyword research tool. SEO professionals worldwide use this tool to find profitable keywords. Wordtracker's suggestions are based on over 300 million keywords and phrases that people have used over the previous 90 days. (In other words, there is no "guessing" when you use Wordtracker. Everything is based on the keywords millions of people have actually typed into search engines.)

KeywordDiscovery is also a very popular keyword research tool and is a major competitor to Wordtracker. KeywordDiscovery compiles keyword search statistics from over 180 search engines world wide, to create what they call "the most powerful keyword research tool". It has been noted in a number of reviews that Keyword Discovery returns more words that are relevant than Wordtracker, Yahoo's or Google's suggestion tools.

There are many other tools on the internet that are worth mentioning. They can be used to supplement and verify the profitable keywords that you find using the major keyword tools. They include, the Google search tool, Yahoo Overture, SEO20/20, webconfs website keyword suggestions (you put your competitor's website URL in this one to determine the profitable keywords they are using), and many more.

The SEO20/20 search tool is the most valuable for determining monthly traffic for profitable keywords by search engine. It includes information on the Overture bid prices, total monthly search volume, estimated search volume for Google, Yahoo, MSN, Digital Point (WordTracker), and Nichebot, Google trends, Google Traffic Estimator, Google Suggest, Google Sysnonyms, and Adwords Keyword Tool. It also provides you with links to news searches, directories, blog searches, tag searches, thesaurus, dictionary & encyclopedia, classifieds, products & revies, and local results for your search term. All in all, not a bad tool.

Finding profitable keywords that are often searched for will help you meet your goals of bringing more targeted traffic to your web site and reaching that top ranking that sometimes seems next to impossible. Reach these goals and your profitable keywords will equal Google Adsense Campaign income.

Leonard Bartholomew, Is An Authority On Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. Find out more about how to make more money with Google Adsense by finding profitable keywords at Blog25968
Vilma Blog79805

Top 10 Holiday Tips For Career Success

Every year as the holidays approach, most jobseekers and career changers make the mistake of halting all their efforts. They believe there is no point in pursuing new opportunities during the holidays, and that nobody is making hiring decisions until January, so why bother? Many decide to do absolutely nothing from mid-November to the second or third week in January!

Making these kinds of assumptions about the holidays is, again, a huge mistake!

When it comes to the holidays, I suggest you become a "contrarian" and do what all the other job seekers are not doing. Since most of them are taking an extended break, this opens up real opportunities for you!

The reality is that the holidays are an excellent time to develop and create new contacts for your job search or career transition. Many companies are completing their budget planning for the next fiscal year. This is often the best time to get in front of hiring managers to create a position for you next year. Many managers have to fill openings early in the year or they may lose the budget for that position. Also, once year-end bonuses are paid, a predictable percentage of employees will leave their jobs, creating new vacancies!

Here are 10 career-savvy tips for the holidays from Ford R. Myers, President of Career Potential, LLC, an executive career consulting firm based in Radnor, PA:


Business is all about establishing relationships and relationships are developed in social settings! During the holidays, most people are naturally more convivial and generous in spirit. There is simply no better time to solidify existing relationships and forge new ones!


There are many networking events in November and December in your social life, in your community, and in your professional circles. Think of all the companies having holiday parties. Many charities have their last fundraisers of the tax year in November and December. Book sales, holiday fairs and other celebrations make this the best time of year for productive networking!


Most professional associations have a holiday party for their December meeting, with a more informal atmosphere than the formal presentations held throughout the rest of the year. Do not bring a resume to these events. Create a simple, tasteful business card with your name, phone number and e-mail address. Be prepared to make interesting small talk to establish new contacts. Ask the people you meet about themselves, their work, and their interests. Remember, everyones favorite subject is themselves!


Prior to a social or networking event, prepare at least three neutral questions you can ask, such as:

* How do you know the host, the company, etc.?
* What made you decide to come to this event?
* What other organizations in this industry do you belong to?

When you find its time to move on and talk with someone new, youll need some phrases to help you transition during the event. Here are some good exit lines:

* Ill let you go now, so you can continue circulating around the room.
* Ill stop monopolizing your time so you can meet some other folks.
* It was great speaking with you. Ill follow up as we discussed.


There are more volunteer opportunities around the holidays than at any other time of year. This is a good way to help other people, feel good when you need a boost, have a renewed sense of purpose during your search, and meet other professionals. Volunteering also gives you something interesting to discuss with the new people you meet!


Use the day after Thanksgiving to make both follow-up calls and cold calls. Youll find that whoever is at work that day will not only be available for a conversation, but will be grateful to speak to someone! If there are people who youve been having a hard time reaching, be sure to take advantage of this unique opportunity.


Pick a seasonal, nondenominational theme usually a depiction of a winter scene is best. This is the time to send cards to everyone on your career list, including executive search firms, Human Resource professionals, and hiring managers with whom you have interacted over the past year. Don't write about your job search in the card. Send your cards early enough for people to remember to invite you to their holiday get-togethers, and to send you a card in return! Be sure to include your contact information with the card, so the recipient can also reach you.


Remember the old saying popular at this time of year, Tis better to give than to receive. This is certainly true when youre attempting to connect with people during the holidays. The fastest and most effective strategy for getting help is give to get. Ask the people in your network if you can be of help to them in any way, or if there is anyone who they might like an introduction to. Become a real connector, and in turn, you will become connected!


Technology has come a long way. Use the holidays to connect and reconnect with people on business networking web sites, such as, and Connect with local businesspeople in cyberspace and then take your connection live with a face-to-face meeting. You can also use these web sites as a great system to follow-up and keep in touch!


At holiday time, some jobseekers tend to become overly negative or cynical during what they perceive as a lull in their career transition. Dont fall into this trap. Get into positive action precisely when others are giving up until early next year. Think and speak positively, and youll become a magnet ready to attract, interview, and hire your next employer.

If youre currently in career transition or looking to move-up at your organization, these strategies should give you a new perspective on the holidays! Instead of taking a vacation from your career development activities, take full advantage of this overlooked opportunity to make real progress in your quest. Then, youll really have something to celebrate!


Permission to Reprint: This article may be reprinted, provided it appears in its entirety with the following attribution: Copyright © 2006, Ford R. Myers and Career Potential, LLC.

Ford R. Myers, M.Ed., a career consultant, author and speaker, provides a full range of services and products that help you take charge of your career, create the work you love, and earn what you deserve! To learn more, visit Blog76677
Freddy Blog56853

What Advertising Means To You

You may want to know a bit of my advertising experience, I've been in the world of advertising for 6 years from cub copywriter to creative director. And I was privileged to attend a workshop conducted by Neil French, a well known advertising guru, I asked Neil to define advertising to me in one simple sentence and he in his flamboyant style answered me in one word: "Life!"

I agree with him totally because if you don't understand life it is very hard to be successful in advertising because advertising is about communicating well with people on your products and services to the extend that they just can't wait to get their hands on your products or use your services!

I love using acronyms to communicate my message and it makes it easy for you to remember the key factors or points. What Advertising means to you can be subjective too depending on what you were taught, experienced or have read about it. You can write a book on it, but I am only going to cover a little on the basic points. Let's agree on the fundamentals:

A stands for Attitude which is link to your beliefs which comes from your experience. Basically to have effective advertising, you must have the right attitude and understand the importance of advertising, why billions of dollars are spent on it? You may have the best product or best service but if nobody knows about it, it is of not much use, isn't it? Of course, the best form of advertising is word-of-mounth advertising because it is based on trust and relationship.

D stands for Desire, what do you really want to achieve from your advertising, the objectives and end results? Clarity is power! If you don't know where you want to go, any road will get you there. You must be very clear on what you want to achieve with your advertising and every word and picture must be directed towards accomplishing your end result.

V stands for Visualize, Verbalize and Verify, you have to create a sizzling offer that is crystal clear to your prospects and with lots of testimonials to its value and benefits. Make them see it, hear it and feel it!

E stamds for Ethics, Enthusiasm and Extras, your advertising has to be ethical, as Abraham Lincoln said it so well, you can fool all the people some time but you cannot fool all the people all the time. It is silly, stupid and foolish to do poor or unethical advertising, it will come back to haunt and hurt you financially! You have to be enthusiastic about your advertising and give extras so that your prospects feel they are getting more or something they can't get from your competitors. This is very important, we call it the USP, Unique Selling Proposition, what makes you stand out from your competitors.

R stands for Research, you must know what the market wants and never assume because ASSUME stands for "making an ASS out of U and ME" You must do your market research and do market testing to find out what your customers really want?

T stands for Timing, Tracking, and Tipping Point, you must advertise at the right time, track your advertisements and monitor the results, and more importantly enough times to the right targeted audience to reach the tipping point when your advertising created a viral effect when everyone starts talking about it positively!

I stands of Impact, Innovate and Idenfity. Before anything happens, you got to get the ATTENTION! You must be innovative and create advertising that get free mileage when people start talking about it. You want to leverage on the most effective advertising form which is word-of-mouth advertising or some call it viral marketing. You must be able to touch the hearts of your customers and make them idenify themselves with your products or services. Learn to win the hearts of your customers and you will laugh all the way to the bank!

S stands for Sincerity, Service, and Solution. Honesty is still the best policy because people are tired of the lies, insincerity and misrepresentations, they want you to deliver what you promised to them. Whatever you do even if it is a product, people always appreciate good service, and if your advertising can communicate good service, you are half way there. And, of course, if your advertising offers a great solution, you will have them going for their credit cards!

I stands for Integrity in your message, products and services. There must be congruency in your message to your products or services and your customers can relate wholeheartedly to your advertising and remember it clearly and positively in their minds.

N stands for numbers, you must understand the numbers of advertising, you can keep on advertising as long as your sales justify them and make it more cost effective by understanding and applying what I've shared with you earlier.

G stands for Great. If your advertising can show that you offer Great Value, Great Quality, Great Service and Great Relationship, you will have your customers for life!

Do leverage on the World Wide Web, it is the biggest market in the world, if you want to learn more about advertising on the internet, go to:

Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author/website is included.


With over 10 hours of step by step instruction captured on 6 DVDs, the AdWords Empire System is truly a goldmine of information on not only finding profitable keywords but applying right strategies and using the right baits and fishing where there is a school of hungry fish and as the saying goes: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him a lifetime. The AdWords Empire System goes beyond teaching you how to fish - it shows you where to find the hungry fishes!

For more information, please go to:

Bruce Seah is a Marketing Consultant and has been in internet marketing since 1999. For more info on his AdWords Empire System, go to: www.AdwordsMarketingTips.comVicky Blog68376
Violante Blog31074

Root Keywords Are Key To SEO Efforts

Whether you are just starting out with search engine optimization or an old pro, keyword research is the foundation upon which top rankings are built and root keywords are the most important.

Root Keywords Are Key To SEO Efforts

Keywords, keywords, keywords the term used so often in search engine optimization that it can get a bit overwhelming at times. What exactly are keywords? How do I find them? How do I use them? Why is the term spelled keywords instead of key words? Ah, there are so many questions we can go into. Of course, we should talk about something far more important.

The key to keyword research is focusing on the key word. How is that for a sentence? Okay, now for something understandable. When identifying terms you wish to use in the optimization effort for your site, you must look to the base word of the area you are researching. That probably is not much better, so here is an example.

Assume I am researching the keywords for an online internet marketing company, to wit, the site promoted with this article. Should I type in online internet marketing into my favorite research tool? No! By doing so, I limit myself to finding only those keywords that contain these three words. Taking this approach, I would even miss the basic term internet marketing. Obviously, I have not focused on the root word of my research.

Returning to my research tool, I should go ahead and find all the words for internet marketing, right? No! Doing so will return more keyword phrases, but I am still limiting myself to only those phrases that contain the two words. In this case, I will miss out on phrases related to internet advertising or online marketing and so on. By taking this approach, I have followed the seo herd and missed out on some juicy opportunities.

The best approach to the above scenario is to research two words first internet and marketing. Do them separately and then work your way into the various combination of words that will appear. These are your root words. Bow before them. Treat them nicely. Research them and you might just find some massive traffic with low competition, the stuff of dreams!

There is a tendency in seo to by into the hype of going niche. Yes, certain situations definitely call for focusing on a very defined niche. When doing your keyword research, however, always start with the root words. They will lead you to the niche you can make money in.

Halstatt Pires is with - an internet marketing firm. Vitia Blog3328
Vicky Blog18848

Why Do People Need Web Sites?

The procedure requires a creative approach as well. The idea of the web site must be promptly thought over: not so much, but with zest! Not to overdo with the ideas is key, because when a person enters the site, he needs to find first of all, what he is interested in.

Nowadays, Web design is of a great request over the Internet. Web design lies not only in the creation of web pages but also all the content and management is included.

This process includes an entire complex of tasks and objectives set before the team, consisting of a web designer, programmer, maker-up, optimizer and other specialists, and depends on the complexity and the specificity of the site. The development of a web site starts from the detail studying of the clients involvement, his scope of ability, improvement of his goals.

But it doesnt mean that a consumers role is petty here. No, in no way! A client, in his turn, must plainly decide for himself what he wants people to see on his future site, in order, to have solid and authoritative web page and capture the visitors attention.

If the customer does in such a way it will be in a great help for the web designer and the rest of the team. Cooperation and joining forces together are very important elements here, with an eye to avoid misunderstanding.

Then the conception and technical tasks of the site are worked out on the basis of the received information from the client.

People create web sites on different purposes: for big businesses, to sell or buy something, to advertise, for entertainment and chat, or just for themselves. The clients can host their sites on the free or paid servers as well. The difference between them, of course exists, while paid servers are more reliable and require fee (per month or year). But if a person is just a beginner in the sphere of web design and wants to have his own site he can make an attempt to allocate it on the free server. Though, here again, mostly, depends on the tasks and involvement of the client.

Having a web site is not so much the question of prestige as one more possibility to announce and advertise the business today. Many companies develop themselves with the help of web design: earn money, upgrade their image; it is a great advantage to find new partners and to draw the clients attention and develop the business.

Web sites are not only for the big businesses. Everybody, who has some ideas and wants to share them with others, in order to approve himself or something like that, can get a place on a free server.

Web site is a small miracle in the Internet, which is targeted presentation of various information.

More interesting info about web design and web hosting you may get here: and .

Anna Ryaskova is a copywriter of - Web Design Directory and - Cheap Web Hosting Directory.Vernice Blog5185
Evvie Blog57616

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Internet Marketing With Free Advertising

One overlooked or misused form of advertising is free advertising. However, this can be a very important means of growing your business.

There are innumerable free classified advertising sites on the internet. Obviously, some will be better than others, and the value of any site may be anywhere from good for your business to a total waste of time.

One immediately visible advantage of free advertising is the adjective, "free". Many people starting internet businesses simply do not have the funds to buy advertising.

By the same token, a disadvantage to free advertising is that since it is free, everybody floods it with all kinds of ads, and it is easy for your message to get lost in the flood of advertisements.

Another disadvantage is that unlike people who look through newspaper classifieds or advertising papers such as are found at the local convenience store, few people on the Internet actually visit online classified sites in hopes of finding a car or piece of stereo equipment. Even if they do, they are not likely to see your ad if you are trying to interest someone in an internet income opportunity.

So, how can you turn free advertising to your advantage?

First, as mentioned, some sites will have the potential for improving your business in one way or another, and some will be totally worthless. Since the advertisement itself may or may not be effective, or may or may not be effective at a certain website, testing is necessary. Different ads must be tried, and they must be tried on different sites.

A difficulty in determining the value of a given free advertising site is the fact that with the advent of automatic advertising submitters, many sites are hardly ever visited by humans any more. Only the automatic programs drop by and leave off their ads and move on to the next site. Therefore, one of the first criteria to look for might be whether or not ads must be manually posted. At least in that case, humans will visit and may actually see your ad.

By the way, even a site which can be posted to automatically may be of value in the area of linking and search engine optimization. Most of these links will be fleeting or of little value to a search engine spider, but you may be able to build a little stable of sites which will help search engines find your site. I know of several sites where I regularly post ads exactly for this purpose. (which requires manual submission) for example is regularly visited by search engine spiders, and if I place an ad there, the page I have linked to will soon show up in search engine listings.

Second, free advertising is most effective if it is not used to sell anything. In fact, it will operate best when you use the free advertising to give something of value away in order to establish a condition of trust between yourself and a prospective customer. In the heyday of mail order advertising, this was often referred to as the "two step" method.

It worked, and still works, like this. The seller offers a free report, such as "How to Make Money from Your Kitchen Table". The ad simply makes the offer, and often would request the reader to send a "free, self-addressed, stamped envelope" for the free report. In this way, the seller was able to get his materials in the hands of several interested parties for only the cost of the report and the ad. The seller was saved the postage by the reader who provided the envelope and postage. Enclosed with the report were materials offering other items, often more reports, which were sold by the seller.

If the seller had provided a report of value on the first mailing, it was possible that the reader would purchase one of the items. If not, the name and address was still on the seller's records (mailing list) and the reader would receive more mailings and/or a collection of such names and addresses would be sold to others who had not built their own lists as yet.

The same thing is done on the internet, and many successful advertisements offer free advertising, software, reports, or services in order to entice the online reader to respond, thus placing his or her contact information at the disposal of the advertiser.

This sort of advertising on the internet has spawned two distinct "advertising" methods which, while free, are not actually advertisements. These two methods are the writing of articles and the creation of lead capture pages.

When someone writes an article of interest or value, they can publish it for free at several sites on the internet. They are usually allowed to include a little information about themselves, including a link to their business website. Generally, to be most effective, the article will be on a subject relevant to the topic of their website and product. Since these articles may eventually be placed on hundreds of websites over long periods of time and are mainly read by those interested in the topic, they are very effective as "advertising". If the author writes well and provides value, the reader may come to respect the writer well enough to accept their advice or guidance and purchase goods or services from them.

With a lead capture page, the reader cannot get the free gift, which is often information, but sometimes a service or product, without giving the advertiser their name and contact information. The advertiser will then use this information to regularly make offers of their products. It is quite common for an internet surfer to leave his or her name and email address in order to receive a course of some kind which is delivered by email to their inbox. The course will be delivered as a series of messages over time, and each will contain the advertiser's sales message. The content of the course will often be relevant to the product being sold. In time, the advertiser assumes the stature of friend and expert in the eyes of the reader, and this will often result in a sale being made.

Free advertising can often be effectively used to lead potential customers to the lead capture pages or even to the articles where they can begin to make the acquaintance of the writer. While the free advertisement seldom is effective in actually spawning a sale, it can be an excellent means of gathering customers.

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer and network marketing professional. He is a graduate of the University of West Florida, a member of Mensa and is retired from the U. S. Army. Learn how to get free advertising at Blog28104
Venus Blog13848

Use of Closed Circuit Television Systems . at Home and at Work

According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, approximately 75% of all crime in the states is property crime. In 2003, there were 14 million thefts of property, and of these, 83% were home and business burglaries. There's no reason to wait until it happens to you. While it might not make the evening news, when your home or business is burgled, safeguarding it becomes the most important issue in the world.

Originally developed to provide the ultimate in security for banks, and traditionally used by security intensive operations like casinos and airports, today closed-circuit television (directly connecting video to a recording or viewing source without being broadcast) and video surveillance systems are now inexpensive and simple enough to be used at home. Now that this powerful technology is within the reach of the average consumer, it makes an effective part of any home security system, as well as a small business' everyday video surveillance.

Advances in Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) technology are turning video surveillance equipment into the most valuable loss prevention, safety/security tool available today for both commercial and residential applications.

The use of surveillance camera systems can alert you before threatening situations worsen, as well as provide you with an important record of events. Monitoring your store or business can be invaluable, in identifying and apprehending thieves and vandals. The prevention or resolution of just one crime would be enough to pay for video surveillance system equipment many times over.

Retailers use CCTV video surveillance systems to monitor for shoplifters and dishonest employees, compile recorded evidence against bogus accident claims and monitor merchandising displays in the stores. Manufacturers, governments, hospitals and universities use video surveillance equipment to identify visitors and employees, monitor hazardous work areas, thwart theft and ensure the security of their premises and parking facilities.

In addition, if you have infants or young children at home, infrared cameras built into wireless baby monitors will help you keep a vigilant eye on them while you're in another part of your home, night and day. And while you're away from home, nanny cam video surveillance equipment, wireless hidden cameras and security DVR's can provide you with the peace of mind that your baby sitters are taking good care of your precious little ones.

Business surveillance systems, home security cameras and hidden cameras can vary in appearance and function. But most all video surveillance camera systems are primarily meant to deter, or detect illegal activity, as well as serve to ensure the physical safety of loved ones. Some popular applications for home or office surveillance systems are:

Store/Business Surveillance - Theft Prevention/Curtailment
Door Entrance Monitoring/Video Intercoms
Recording Home Parties
Baby/Child Monitoring
Looking in on Baby Sitter
Monitoring Backyard Pool
Keeping Watch Over a Bedridden Loved One
Observing Unsupervised Repairmen
Catching Vandals Destroying Property
Lawsuit Prevention Against "Slip and Fall" Scam Artists
Keeping an Eye on Pets
Reduce Employee Turnover by Providing a Safe Environment
Reduce Shrinkage and Employee Theft
Enhance Physical Security Effectiveness
Reduce Liability Insurance

Vigilance and Security -
provides a large variety of bargain priced products including: home security cameras, nanny cams, security digital video recorders, time lapse vcrs, video baby monitors, wireless surveillance equipment, hidden cameras, multi-location video surveillance systems, infrared night vision cameras and so much more!

Vigilance and Security, a wholly owned subsidiary of DL Consultants, LLC, is an internet reseller of a broad line of cutting edge security camera and surveillance systems appropriate for home, as well as, small and medium business applications. Our clients include parents, homeowners, warehouses, convenience stores, restaurants and retail establishments. Felisha Blog2080
Violette Blog35168

Vacation Cruise: 5 Basic Steps of How to Get the Best Deal

What could be more relaxing and a romantic vacation than going on vacation on a cruise ship. If you are considering taking a vacation, taking a cruise should be on your list. It is a great way to spend vacation with your family or consider it as your honeymoon getaway. Many people would really like to go on a cruise because of the beauty and comfort this type of vacation can offer.

Getting the best deals for the vacation cruises is really a great opportunity. To discuss further here are some of the basic steps on how to get the best deals on any vacation cruise.

1. The very first thing to do is to arrange a cruise during the off seasons. As much as possible keep away from the peak seasons of cruise vacations. It would be better if you can schedule your time three to four weeks away from the peak seasons.

2. Choose which type of cruising ship to use. There are some traveling agencies that push a specific line for different reasons. It would be great to do a little homework and research first. Comparing the shipping lines fees and services will save a lot of money.

3. As much as possible do not be misled with honey-sweet publicity that promises so much for nothing. Talking with the right travel agency can give very important information that can result to significant savings.

4. Have a vacation cruise quotation that comprises the port fees and tax revenues. If the traveling agency fails to give that certain information, look for another agency. There must not be hidden fees and uncertain collections. Beware of the port fees that run a couple of hundreds of dollars each for each person. The port fees must be stable and consistent.

5. Inquire in travel agencies that specialize in cruise travels and vacations. A good travel agent can provide you with great cruises that can suit your tastes in travel. He or she can find the best cruise available with your budget. Tell your travel agent on how much you are willing to spend on a cruise and how many will be traveling with you. They usually can always get you the best deals possible even in your limited budget.

There is something that you should keep in your mind. A real bargain is not solely base on the price alone but it should be based on how you are pleased with the trip. If in the end of the trip you feel that the cruise exceeds your expectations and you go home happy and satisfied, then thats a real bargain. Going on cruise vacation should be enjoyable and relaxing. It is a failed vacation, if you didnt get what you expected, even though it was cheap.

Wah Yuni is a writer for Vacation Cruising which is an excellent place to find cruises links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.vacationcruise.cosmomatrix.comVinny Blog64004
Verna Blog58169

Hidden Costs of Offshoring

The media is full of reports of tech companies going offshore for their software development and support capabilities. While this is a real phenomenon that is happening, and the dollar cost savings can be compelling, there are several downsides that don't seem to be brought up very often. These can have a tremendously detrimental impact on a company's products and brands, and without careful consideration can lead to shortsighted decisions that ultimately take down a company.

Here are a few of the considerations:

1.) You may stifle and inhibit your product efforts

Truly great products are created by innovative engineering teams that work very closely with Product Managers and other groups in a company. As a Product Management professional I've worked with some great teams that have delivered some incredible products. Products like these aren't something you can simply write a spec for, deliver it to engineers overseas, and get something exceptional back. Sure, for simple and VERY straightforward coding work you can farm it out. But if you want to create truly breakthrough products you need a team that has great ideas AND that works closely with your Product Management folks to ensure customer needs are being met. The best situation is where you get a team that looks at the MRD (Market Requirements Document) and figures out a way to deliver far more than what it calls for in a way that Product Management could never have thought up.

2.) Your brand and customer relationships may suffer

The cost of losing a customer and ruining your brand as a result of offshoring can be very high. Consider this example. My wife Sarah (VP of Sales for the 280 Group) recently had a software problem and contacted technical support for a well-known brand name product. She ended up exchanging email five or six times with them. After the second message it became painfully obvious that the person on the other end didn't speak English very well, and that they had little chance of even understanding the problem let alone solving it.

Now if this was an isolated incident it would be one thing, but this company gave me the exact same lack of service when I had a different problem. Sure, they saved a lot by having the support handled by someone in India. But now that they've lost us as customers, the question is, how much are they going to have to spend to attempt to win us back?

Smart companies are realizing this - that's why Dell pulled their India tech support efforts recently. The long-term value of a customer is FAR higher than any short-term savings they can realize by having someone less-expensive answering support questions.

3.) Managing offshore development can take a huge toll.

A friend of mine recently returned from a trip India where he is managing an engineering team and was investigating finding new facilities. He goes there about once a quarter. During this trip he got violently ill, and suffered the usual jet lag and loss of personal time when travelling. Upon returning he informed his boss of the progress, and was told that he needed to return again in 2 weeks to finalize the deal on the office space and make sure the team was on track.

The cost of this? Well, I can tell you that if he gets the chance to work for a different company where he doesn't have to travel he'll be the first to jump ship.

Incidentally, he mentioned that they are having problems with attrition of staff in their India office, and that office space is no longer as cheap and widely available as before. While it had been easy and cheap to offshore two years ago, it had become more complicated and time-consuming recently.

4.) Lack of accountability

I'm working with a team that is remote right now for a client. Every day we have a team meeting conference call and people call in from multiple sites. Though good in theory, we end up having to repeat many things that are said because the phone lines are questionable. Additionally many people skip the meeting, or delay us because they don't have the project files to look at when we put them up on the projector. I also suspect that a good part of the team is doing work (or other things) on their computer while on the phone, since when they are asked a question it is clear they haven't been listening.

There is something to be said for making your team show up in person, look you in the eye when you are having a difficult discussion about schedules and features, and not be able to hide their facial expressions behind a phone line. True accountability makes for great product teams.


One has to wonder, when the laws of supply and demand begin to catch up with the situation, and the hidden costs of offshoring begin to become more apparent, will companies come to regret their cost-conscious post-bubble offshoring choices?

Brian Lawley is the President of the 280 Group, the Product Marketing & Product Management Experts. The 280 Group provides consulting, contractors, training and templates to help companies define, launch and market breakthrough new products. For more information about the 280 Group's services and toolkits (Product Roadmap, Product Launch, Beta Program, Developer Program & others) visit Blog50680
Evangelina Blog76895

Direct Marketing Ad: Nine Ways To Effectively Advertise Your Business In Magazines

Have you ever spent hundreds or thousands of dollars placing an ad in a magazine and not have a good response? Have you been confused as to why your ad did not work like you had hoped?

Here are 9 basic tips for advertising your business in magazines.

1. Color ads are generally more effective than black/white ads. The exception is, if the page you are advertising is in color and your ad is black/white. The black/white ad can even be more profitable if it is done well.

2. A full page ad is often thought to do better. Again there can be exceptions to the rule. If you have a black/white ad against color ads, you can have the ad smaller and generate more response. Or, if your ad is placed in a more opportune location in the magazine.

3. The most effective placements in a magazine are the following: First the back cover of the magazine, second, is the inside front two pages. Third, the inside back two pages. Also good placements for ads are on the outside of each page. As people browse through, they will see those ads before they see ads closer to the center.

4. Ads that are placed with wording around them are ideal. The reason being that while people are reading they will glance more than once at the ad. It gives you more exposure time. Remember, you only have a few seconds to capture someone's attention.

5. The ad itself needs to be neat and eye catching. If there is too much verbiage, you have lost potential business. Most people are visual and will not take the time to read a lengthy ad. Make sure to get your point across with a picture (or pictures) and words.

6. Bullet Point your ideas. Keep them brief and to the point. Take time to think about your company. Make a list of the most important things your company offers. What are you most passionate about? Translate those ideas to your ad.

7. Make sure phrases, words, prices, phone numbers, etc., are eye catching. Use various fonts, sizes of fonts, bold, italic, etc., to draw attention to different points. If the font in the ad is the same, it will blend in and important information will be lost.

8. It is critical when placing an ad, to choose a magazine that hits your target market. If you sell health products, advertise in a chiropractic magazine. If you have a home based business, advertise in a home based business magazine or entrepreneur magazine.

9. Get statistics from the company. Number of circulation, areas of circulation, how the magazine is distributed, etc.

I am convinced that you can have effective advertising if you use these guidelines. The goal is to keep advertising costs to a minimum and still receive the response you are looking for. Statics show that people will look at an ad up to seven times before responding. Be patient, your phone may or may not start ringing off the hook. However, if you have done everything right you will receive good business from your advertising.

La Donna Jensen is an expert in marketing and sales for over 15 years. Marketing consultant for a radio show and magazine. Successful owner of own business and Internet entrepreneur. For more articles on marketing and advertising visit Blog56660
Vicky Blog68376

Can You Really Make Money Using Harvey Segal's Ultimate Super Tip?

This is a review of Harvey Segal's latest ebook, "The Ultimate SuperTip", a copy of which I read recently.

Having read thousands of articles, blogs and ebooks about Internet marketing since first going online in 1997, I've seen and heard it all. But I still keep my eye out for the rare gems that appear every so often. Such a rare gem appeared for me yesterday when I stumbled across "The Ultimate SuperTip". It's changed my marketing approach forever.

The Ultimate SuperTip is free to download and has only 28 pages. However, the content is nothing short of incredible. Yes, all of the accepted best practice elements of Internet marketing are discussed ie, having a product to sell, using an affiliate program, using viral marketing, rebranding downloadable files for affiliates, capturing email addresses, and so on. It's notable however, that Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is not recommended in this model, quite a difference from the usual advice.

As you read the 28 page document, it quickly becomes clear that not only are you reading about a new super model for Internet marketing that promises to increase targeted traffic, increase conversion rates, sales, and income, but that the free ebook is part of the model ... a live demonstration if you will. This is indeed ingenious and is light years ahead of any other model I have read about.

Essentially the model exposed uses article distribution to promote an ebook which promotes products and includes affiliates using copies of the rebranded ebook that are rebranded automatically on download (overcoming the problem of affiliates having to use complex procedures to rebrand manually). And there are a few additional twists that make this model a winner for everyone; original seller, affiliates and buyer alike.

I was surprised to find that I had generated an income stream with a steady trickle within hours of putting into effect Harvey's methodology. I've been selling online for years and haven't experienced this type of "speed" before. The truth is, you can make money with Harvey's Ultimate SuperTip if you put it work immediately.

If, like me you rely on Internet marketing to generate some of your income, you need to read about this new model that promises to play a leading role at least for the next few years until some crafty fellow designs something even better.

You can read more about it and see the table of contents at my site here:

Copyright 2006 Robin Henry

Robin Henry is a human resources specialist and Internet entrepreneur. He runs his home based business from Central Australia and his main site is at Desert Wave Enterprises. He helps businesses improve performance through working smarter.Valida Blog55401
Veronika Blog3953

How To Help Animal Charities With Your Credit Card

Britain is a nation of animal lovers, so it's not surprising that there are many charities set up to look after old, sick or neglected animals. Donations to these charities can be made by supporting events, by setting up bank direct debits and by using cash. Making credit card payments is another way of supporting a charity. This has been made even easier with the appearance of charity credit cards. These are credit cards that have the badge of a particular charity and are supported by well known banks.

Credit cards for animal charities include the Battersea Dogs Home, the British Horse Society, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals. Charity credit cards are backed by banks such as the Cooperative Bank, Halifax, the Royal Bank of Scotland and others.

Giving To Charity With Charity Credit Cards

Most charity credit cards contribute to charities in two ways. First of all, they offer a one-off donation of a fixed sum of money when a new credit card account is opened. This sum can range from 5 to more than 40 depending on the deal offered. If consumers continue to use the credit card within a particular period (for example six months to one year) a second lump sum contribution is paid at the end of that period.

Payment is also made through ongoing contributions to the chosen charity. This is normally a percentage of any spending on the card. The percentage ranges from 0.25% to more than 1% depending on the deal.

How To Choose The Best Charity Credit Card Deal

1. Charity credit cards boast many of the same offers as other credit cards. These may include:
2. 0% balance transfer rate
3. 0% purchase rate
4. Low interest rate
5. Reward points
6. Other incentives

Consumers should note that 0% balance transfer and purchase rates are likely to be for a fixed period of between three months and a year. Most card issuers will also charge a fee for balance transfers (around 2%). This is designed to make sure that credit card companies do not lose out on interest as consumers move from 0% card to 0% card.

In addition to the charitable contributions, charity credit cards may offer card holders incentives such as additional travel insurance, reward points that can be exchanged for cash or vouchers and much more.

Look online to find credit card comparison sites. These will help consumers decide on the best mix of incentives, charitable contributions and interest rates to suite their spending habits. Once your new credit card has arrived, just start spending to start giving to charity.

Charity credit cards offer an advantage for people whose heart is in the right place but who just don't remember to dip into their pockets to make a donation. These credit cards make it simple to donate to your favourite charity every time you spend.

Joe Kenny writes for, with the latest credit cards, and more info on best buy credit cards.Fawne Blog78427
Fifi Blog17308

The Art of Persuasive Business Writing

All good writing involves persuasion-getting the reader over to your side. You may be writing to persuade a colleague to take on a new project, writing a blog post trying to persuade people to accept a new idea, or writing persuasive advertising copy for a new product. In each situation, your goal is to persuade your readers that you have something to say and that it is in their best interest to take the action you have requested.

Here are five elements to keep in mind when writing persuasive messages.

1. "You" attitude. Too much business writing has an "I" or "we" viewpoint, which causes the writer to sound selfish and not interested in the reader. If you want to get your point of view across, convey information, or persuade the reader, you have to talk in terms of the reader's interests, hopes, wishes, and preferences. Good writing psychology requires that you present your message in light of the reader's viewpoint rather than your own.

"I" or "We"
To help us process this order, we must ask for another copy of the requisition.

We trust you will extend your service contract.

So that your order can be filled promptly, please send another copy of the requisition.

By extending your service contract, you can continue to enjoy topnotch performance from your equipment.

2. Warmth. You can make all sorts of mistakes in your messages yet still leave your readers with a good feeling if you can convey the magic intangible of personal warmth. Warmth is more difficult in writing than it is in oral communications. Essentially, warmth is an aspect-possibly even the measure-of the "you" viewpoint. You should not only demonstrate concern for the audience's problems but interest in their attitudes and an appreciation of the ways in which handling the situation is going to be helpful to them.

3. Parallel experience. One way of touching the right spots with your reader is to draw on a parallel situation in your own experience. Build your writing around this experience, or use what you learned as a basis for your writing. By creating a sympathetic bond between you and your reader, you enhance the person-to-person connection and help your reader to become more open to what you are saying.

4. Good manners. If you want to persuade your reader, you must show impeccable manners. In other words, be nice. If you are rude or overly aggressive, your reader will shut down to your argument and turn elsewhere. When in doubt, put yourself on the other end of the writing and ask, "How would I feel if this was directed at me? Would I be offended, or would I be open to listening to more?"
5. Tone. The tone of your writing goes beyond the content of your words and offers the reader an overall feeling or indication of your meaning. The overall tone of your message will depend on the subject, but a general guideline is to stay positive. Suggest to your reader that you are interested in his or her problems and in solving them. A good tone is ruined by using harsh words or phrases. Some examples:

the alleged loss
you claim that
you neglected to send
in which you assert
if we were at fault
we request that you send us

the loss you refer to
we understand that
you did not send
you tell us
please accept our apologies
please send us

Persuasion is an art, not a science-but that does not mean there is no winning formula. By incorporating these five elements into your business communication, you will have a greater chance of getting your reader to stop, listen, and take the action you want.

Courtland L. Bovee, one of America's leading instructors in clear and effective communication, co-authors several leading college-level texts with John V. Thill, a prominent communications consultant and current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Communication Strategies. Their website, Business Communication Headline News, the #1 business communication site on the web, is at http://www.businesscommunicationheadlinenews.comVikkie Blog41752
Esmeralda Blog87169
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